Market Entry, Digital marketing, Content marketing and growth hacking

Boldly Towards International markets

Vamo is a Norwegian-Finnish company that hand-fishes red king crab in the clear waters of the Arctic Ocean and sells it to luxury restaurants and fish wholesalers. The company’s brand has been carefully designed, investing time and patience. Culinary excellence and uniqueness are at the core of Vamo. Vamo’s CEO, Riikka Kosola, emphasizes the importance of branding, especially in the international context. Vamo has boldly set out to target a new market in France and has chosen Buorre to be their partner in growth.

Effective Market Entry Strategy

Buorre has designed a digital market entry strategy for Vamo, including digital marketing and brand development in the new market, France. Although the product itself is of high quality, its brand has been carefully designed to address the target audience’s needs.

Vamo focuses on exclusivity, with uniqueness and experiential aspects being key differentiators. The market entry process has involved segmentation, testing, result comparison, and partner search. Buorre has successfully conveyed Vamo’s key message through marketing materials, such as brochures, campaigns, social media, and traditional media. Buorre has also organized branding photoshoots and luxury events for Vamo, such as product tastings.

The Brand with a Hint of Magic

Branding is tested in target markets to understand what resonates with local customers. While brand principles and values are consistent everywhere, understanding and respecting cultural differences is crucial. Vamo’s branding work is ongoing, evolving with the target markets. With a clear brand and a sharp sales strategy, there are still important steps to take towards a successful market entry. What makes Vamo stand out is its truly distinct brand, with a touch of magic. Vamo also differs from many other brands in that they have a strong vision of what Vamo is and a hunger to achieve it.

“King crab is a top-quality product, but successfully entering a new market also requires a clear brand message and full commitment.” – Riikka Kosola, CEO, Vamo

Growth Through Impactful Research

Buorre has done great work in understanding the target market and identifying the unique value Vamo brings to its audience. Data collected from target markets have helped Vamo meet local needs and lay a strong foundation for growth in new markets. Buorre has used digital tools for data collection, which are significantly cheaper and faster than traditional methods.

Understanding cultural sensitivity is essential in market research. The understanding at two levels: the product level and the interaction level. On the product level, it’s all about the value proposition that arises from the product itself. While at the interaction level, the focus has been on leaving a lasting impression, for example, in sales situations. In France, the food culture differs from Finland, and it’s important to show special respect.

After identifying market-specific differences, branding works similarly to elsewhere. The process of entering a new market has involved patiently laying the groundwork from the foundations up. Buorre has successfully created the brand supporting material such as brochures and social media presence for VAMO. Thanks to meticulous work, Vamo has good opportunities for growth in the new market in France.

Brand appealing to the target market

Digital market entry

Stronger brand perception